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Our Philosophy

A Bit About Me
Hello! My name is Erica George, owner and creator of VINTAGE 33.  I am a wife and mother of two. I have been blessed with many God given talents.  When I was young, Art Class was of course my favorite.  I have always loved to draw and crate ever since I was a child.  My grandmother, Inez, was a fashion artist and seamstris and my grandfather, Eric, was a master craftsman.  I was lucky enough to inherit all of their "gifts".  A "JILL" OF ALL TRADES one might say. I love pickin'...whether at a local antique market, garage sale, or nearest dumpster.
How I started

I started VINTAGE 33 as a creative outlet.  I had  an undeniable need bring the ideas in my head to life.  One day, I just started "garbage picking" and "dumpster diving". I decided that I could start turning garbage finds ino to works of art.  It was and is a labor of love.   There is something speical about taking an item that is broken or put out for  trash and giving  it a new life.  You would be amazed at what I find in the trash. The saying is true..."one man's trash is another man's treasure".  After years of collecting broken garbage mixed with a bit of creativity, VINTAGE 33 WAREHOUSE was born.

"The beauty of something broken is that it can be fixed and therein lies it's potential."

  • ~The Five People You Meet in Heaven

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